Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Perry Perspective - April 2011


Recovering from Counterproductive Self Talk:  "The Shoulds"


Have you ever noticed how often people will talk to us about a problem and we begin to tell them what they "should" do about it?  Even after hearing our sage advice, irrespective of how practical, logical, and well intended it might be, they dig in their heels and resist what you claim they "should" do. 


We also do this to ourselves.  Have you noticed yourself saying, "I should do this" or "I really should avoid doing that," and then you steadfastly resist whatever it is you're telling yourself to do? 


Have you ever noticed how miserable people feel whenever they compulsively keep doing whatever it is they think they "should" do, rather than what they want to do?  It seems there are so many things they "should" do, say, think, feel, quit, start, etc., that they seldom get around to enjoying anything. 


If all of this sounds familiar, you are an unknowing participant in the "should bind."  What you may have failed to consider is that whenever you deal with a "should," you have immediately created an obstacle to any progress or success.  A "SHOULD" is a put-down, designed to point out how stupid the person is who receives it. 


Suppose you have a friend who is overweight and out of shape.  For a long time you have been watching your friend overeat and medicate with food.  You are now concerned about his physical condition because these eating habits are jeopardizing his good health and longevity. 


So, you say, with admirable intentions, "John, you should lose weight.  You should diet and exercise because you know your current weight is unhealthy for you."  Notice how your friend handles these remarks!  He appears affronted and upset and simply refuses to heed them regardless of their validity.  Why?  What you have really told him is that he is stupid -- if he was smart, he would have already lost the weight!  The "should" was, in reality, a put-down that resulted in a typical resistant stance. 

If you keep "shoulding" on him, he will get more defiant and defensive.


Sometimes you will find yourself "shoulding" on yourself!  You may notice too that whenever you tell yourself you "should" diet and exercise, you are reluctant to do what you "should" do.  Make a list of all your own "shoulds."  They may be overwhelmingly abundant... and you will feel bad, and probably stall.   


Perhaps your list appears endless.  Notice whenever you repeat these "shoulds" out loud, you begin to feel bad, defensive, resentful and resistant.  There is a complete absence of motivation. 


More closely examined, the "shoulds" are purely guilt producers.  The feeling generated by any "should" remark is initially guilt but this is quickly turned into resentment, then resistance.  I have seldom known anyone who really liked being dealt "shoulds" on a regular basis.  An even more self-defeating "should" is placed in the past tense, namely, "I should have done this," or "You should have remembered..."  To constantly berate yourself over what you "should" or "shouldn't" have done is unbelievably destructive because it is impossible to alter the past!  It has already happened and is past the point of change.  To continually beat yourself up about it is reactive and destructive.  Progress and improvement are impossible leaving room only for guilt and self-hate. 


When you "should" on yourself or others, you simply create resistance.


What is the solution to the "should bind?"


I suggest you delete all "shoulds" from your vocabulary and substitute them with "might," "encourage," and "want."  Removing the "shoulds" from your dialogue will provide less force, thereby resulting in less unnecessary resistance.  As a matter of fact, there are three ways to rephrase the overused "should" in your daily conversations.  They are: 
  1. "You might..."
  2. "I urge/encourage/suggest/recommend you consider..."
  3. "I want you to..."

Notice if you say to your overweight friend:

  1. "John, you might want to lose weight."
  2. "I would encourage you to consider losing weight."
  3. "I want you to take better care of yourself."

He will feel much less resistant to your suggestion and more motivated to start losing weight because essentially he still has the option to refuse your advice without losing face or feeling stupid. 


Removing ourselves from the tyranny of the "should bind" by substituting the "wants" and "mights" is a beneficial change. 


If you say to yourself, "I should lose weight," it is likely you will feel badly that you have yet to do it.  On the other hand, if you say, "I want to lose weight," it is more likely you will diet because your resistance is down and your levels of guilt and bad feelings are diminished. 


Remember, ultimately you are only going to do what you want to do. 


You will be impressed with how much more you can get done with less resistance when you concentrate on changing those "shoulds" to "wants."  I encourage you to take your list of "shoulds" and change them to "wants."  Then read them aloud and notice how you feel different immediately! 


Winning Communication Skills
Four keys to personal and professional successWCSK

True leaders are those who can communicate effectively.  What skills do they have that you lack?  What techniques do they use to command attention and respect?  This CD set contains the four keys to Listening actively,Speaking clearly, Reducing Resistance and Resolving Conflict.  These are the Winning Communication Skills that will take you right to the top -- and keep you there.  Most people have yet to master these skills.  But the winners have!  And, the most successful leaders use them everyday.    

Winning Communication Skills 4-CD set:   $49.95
Winning Communication Skills MP3:         $39.95

NOTICE!  Many of Dr. Perry's recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Common Sense 101
KVTA LogoThe Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Common Sense 101 airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, a lot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!" 
He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
877-34-PERRY (347-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to www.kvta.comand then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 


Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dr. JM Perry Perspective - March 2011

Hello Everyone! 

Remember life is essentially about two things:
  1. Touching people's lives.
  2. Having your own life touched in return. 

(All the rest is simply noise.)


Therefore, what touches people's lives the most?  


Reinforcement and appreciation.

 Dr. Mitchell Perry  



Practice Reinforcement:  Catch Others Doing Something Right!

What you radiate, you attract!  What you focus on expands.

People will treat you the way you teach them to treat you.

Think about what actually nourishes and encourages you to produce and perform well.  Usually it is mostly about others being impressed, being dazzled and proud of you. You are often driven to do well because of your own self-concept, your values, and the regard, respect, cheering, and reinforcement you receive from others.

In company cultures (and most families), there are usually three ways in which people find out how they are doing in the minds of others:
     1.   Criticism, pejorative remarks, "constructive criticism"
     2.   Silence, absence of any reaction, indifference
     3.   Reinforcement, encouragement, compliments,  

MOST OF THE TIME PEOPLE RECEIVE LOTS OF #1 AND #2:  Criticism and silence.  They even say with relief... "no news is good news!"  However, the price on long-term performance is huge.  The result is that most people end up severely EMOTIONALLY MALNOURISHED.  They eventually run out of inspirations and emotional reserves to keep producing at high levels.  

So, remember the following axiom:



Practicing Reinforcement at Work:

General guidelines about reinforcement:

  • Be specific about what they did or are doing.
  • Share with them what value their behavior has for you.
  • Tie in what value their behavior has for the team/organization.
  1. Make a point of practicing reinforcement at meetings.
  2. Get into the habit of reinforcing more than you criticize.
  3. Send thank you notes in email or, preferably, through the snail mail.
  4. Send group voice mails or emails showing reinforcement for someone or several people.  This increases the expectation that good news can be shared and recognition is very acceptable. 
  5. Relax your concern that you will be at risk of reinforcing too much.  Most likely, people will keep producing well with new expectations of receiving validation and recognition. 
  6. Practice telling people what impresses you.  You will finally get comfortable with it, and they will get comfortable with receiving it. 
  7. If people discount your compliment, simply repeat it again until they say thank you.
  8. Practice accepting compliments-- 
    1. Accept it:  say "thank you"
    2. Harvest it:  say "thank you, I am so appreciative... tell me more about what you particularly liked." 

          You will notice people will be happy to tell you more and you

          get fed!


Remember, you are at a very LOW risk of reinforcing others TOO MUCH!



Four keys to personal and professional success

WCSKTrue leaders are those who can communicate effectively.  What skills do they have that you lack?  What techniques do they use to command attention and respect?  This CD set contains the four keys to Listening actively, Speaking clearly,Reducing Resistance and Resolving Conflict.  These are theWinning Communication Skills that will take you right to the top -- and keep you there.  Most people have yet to master these skills.  But the winners have!  And, the most successful leaders use them everyday.    

Winning Communication Skills 4-CD set:   $49.95
Winning Communication Skills  MP3:         $39.95

NOTICE!  Many of Dr. Perry's recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Common Sense 101
KVTA LogoThe Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Common Sense 101 airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, a lot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!" 
He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
877-34-PERRY (347-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to www.kvta.comand then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 


Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Perry Perspective - February 2011

Hello Everyone! 

Doing it "Right" is going to make you stall -- Doing It is What is Important!   

Take Action

Let's wait and see what happens, this isn't a good time. I want to think about it. I need more time first. I might do it wrong... I might make a mistake. I just don't want to right now. I wish something would happen. I'm not quite ready to do that. I don't want to talk about it.  Stalling, waiting, marking time, holding steady; does this sound familiar?

All too often, most people would rather describe a problem than solve it.  The result... just more time rehearsing and refining their problem description skills without taking any action.  

Do you want to get a new job, get a college degree, learn a language, lose weight, get in shape, fix your marriage, or play the piano?  Well, do you REALLY want to, or do you just want to talk about... or whine about it?  

You must always ask yourself a fundamental question whenever you want to do anything!  ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE FREIGHT?  Will you pay the money, spend the time, expend the energy, learn how, risk failure, etc. to reach your goal?  Because your goal can only be achieved if you PAY THE FREIGHT!

The key is to TAKE ACTION.  Do something, anything, any kind of action... and get the momentum going.  When you do, you have movement, which allows course correction along the way.  But, stalling and describing, rather than moving and solving, simply allows you to pass your life with time, rather than passing your time with life.  

So, TAKE ACTION!  Confidence comes from DOING!  Mastery comes from learning, from discipline, from trusting your instincts and just digging in and doing it! 

Make "Take Action" a habit and spread it around.   

Gaining competitive advantage by raising the bar
 Strength of Character

Strength of Character explores integrity, responsibility, and generosity of spirit in the business setting, driving a stake into the ground and defining the ethical standards by which business will need to be practiced in the coming decades.  This CD explains how leaders and workers can set a new course towards character standards that we all can agree are compelling and necessary.  The magic begins when individuals accept personal responsibility and start making ethical changes in themselves.  

Strength of Character CD:   $19.95
Strength of Character MP3: $16.95

NOTICE!  Many of Dr. Perry's recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Common Sense 101
KVTA LogoThe Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Common Sense 101 airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, a lot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!" 
He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
877-34-PERRY (347-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to www.kvta.comand then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 


Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Embrace the Obvious

One of the most curious things about people is their difficulty in recognizing what's right in front of their faces.  Do you ever notice that when you are looking for your keys, they are in your hand?  Or when you want to find your glasses, they are sitting right on top of your head?  If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is this:  THE MAGIC IS IN THE OBVIOUS.  That means:  the answer to your dilemma is often right in front of your face.  Your job is to look and discover it, and then... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Example:  If you tend to be pessimistic, how much time are you spending complaining or feeling sorry for yourself?  If your business is doing poorly, how much are you contributing to poor customer service?  How much are you actually helping the customer be dissatisfied?  If your marriage is one where you feel emotionally malnourished, how much are you withholding nourishment yourself?  Or expecting nourishment from a spouse who is ill equipped to give it to you?  If you are tired and winded going up a flight of stairs, how much do you need to lose weight and get in shape?

The answers are often so obvious we have trouble seeing them.  What is even more curious is that everyone else can see what's right in front of you except you. 

So, what to do?  Ask yourself regularly, "What is obvious here?  What do I need to see?  What can everyone else see here that might be difficult for me to see or accept?  What is right in front of my face?"

Then, do something about it!  CHANGE SOMETHING!  Your behavior, your contribution, your relationships, your habits, something... anything!  Do something different and the situation will change. 

Remember, you have much more power over yourself anyway.

So, the message is:  Embrace the Obvious:  There's magic when you recognize what is right in front of your face.  THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

If you have any questions, please let me, Dr. J. Mitchell Perry know or check out some of our life coaching products.

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Perry Perspective - November 2010

Hello Everyone! 

Insanity!  Continuing to do the same thing with the same poor outcome with the illusion you will get a different outcome someday soon.
Practice sanity!
Changing your behavior first is the best way to cascade change around you.  

Dr. Mitchell Perry  
Change Yourself First

How often do you find yourself complaining about someone you wish would change?  Do you wish your spouse would simply pick up the dirty clothes and put them in the hamper?  Your mother would quit being so critical about virtually everything?  Your boss would throw you a bone and give you a bit of credit?  Sound familiar?

Notice how much energy you spend trying to get these people to change.  Your dedication to the "people-fixing rehabilitation project" is quite impressive, yet, as you know, this project is destined to fail.  THE MORE YOU TRY TO CHANGE SOMEONE, THE MORE THEY PUSHBACK, RESIST YOUR EFFORTS, AND STAY THE SAME. 

What to do?  Change yourself and your behavior FIRST.  You know for certain that you have more power over changing your own behavior anyway.  Furthermore, when you change your own behavior, you frequently force those around you to adjust and change as well. 

Consider the following examples:   
  1. You want your wife to quit being so critical of you.  Has it occurred to you that you help her remain critical because you are often critical of her?  So change yourself first.  Write your wife a letter telling her all the things you appreciate about her.  Then watch... her behavior is likely to change.  Furthermore, when she is criticizing, leave her alone with her misery.  Let her enjoy her unhappiness by herself.  She is more likely to choose having your company than risk losing it by continuing to criticize you. 
  2. You want your husband to pick up the laundry and put it in the hamper.  Yet every time he fails to do it you jump in and take care of it yourself.  You wonder why the behavior remains the same.  You are teaching him how to treat you.  What to do?  Change yourself first.  Put the clothes in a pile on his pillow.  Put the hamper on the front seat of his car, or file a lawsuit against your spouse with a charge of "irreconcilable laundry differences!"  Then watch!  Your spouse is likely to think twice about dirty laundry and expect you to always take care of it. 

The message is this:  When you make it a policy to regularly consider what YOU can do differently, the world becomes a different place. 


You can move mountains with a single thought.  Change yourself and your contribution first ...and watch the mountains move!


Remember, to get people to do what you want them to do, you must first position what you want in concert with what is important to them.  People will engage, adjust, sign-up, and agree, when -- in their terms -- it makes sense to do so.  And it always makes more sense when they come to their own conclusions.  "THE PULL" makes this happen.  

"THE PULL" method is very logical and understandable, and yet it is very counter-intuitive and disparate from what you are used to doing when you try to persuade anyone to do anything.  When you get fluent with "THE PULL", you will persuade sooner, resolve conflict faster, and realize much less "pushback."  

You will let them have your way!

"THE PULL" CD:   $19.95
"THE PULL" MP3: $16.95

NOTICE!  Many of Dr. Perry's recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Common Sense 101
KVTA LogoThe Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Common Sense 101 airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, alot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!"

He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
877-34-PERRY (347-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to www.kvta.comand then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 


Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Monday, October 4, 2010

The October Perry Perspective

Hello Everyone!

When you hire someone, you look at their background and skills, yet when you fire them, it is always about their character. 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to Strength of Character.  The price you pay for poor character is enormous.

Raise the bar -- and life gets better!

Dr. Mitchell Perry   
Share Your Strength of Character

Every morning when you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?  Are you pleased or embarrassed?  Proud or ashamed?  Impressed or depressed?  Excited or bored?  Energetic or listless?  Engaged or isolated?  Powerful or weak?  How is your self-respect?

Every morning, whether you like it or not, you wake up inside your own skin - which means you have to live with yourself, your feelings, your choices, and your behavior.  And, just like compounded interest in a bank account, there are long-term effects to those choices and behaviors. 

At the end of the day, the measure of your life is inevitably determined by your CHARACTER and all its strengths and weaknesses.  So, what is the condition of your Character?  What are your basic governing values?  What are the moral principles by which you want to live? 

The essential qualities for Strength of Character include:
    1. INTEGRITY:  Honesty, legitimacy, the straight stuff, the full disclosure; the willingness to be unpopular at times, by telling the truth; the absence of lying, tap-dancing, pretending, spinning, distracting and avoiding.  
    2. RESPONSIBILITY:  Your life is completely your responsibility.  If life is going well for you, you probably made it happen.  If life is going poorly, you did that too.  The cards dealt to you are yours to play -- good or bad.  So take accountability, make your choices, take your lumps and get on with it.  The energy you spend on whining, complaining, catastrophizing and awfulizing will be so much better spent on problem solving.
    3. GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT:  This part of your Strength of Character is about giving more than taking, contributing more than consuming, caring more than expecting, investing more than expensing.  This part of you is faith, living in the light, deriving meaning, and hearing the quiet. You get more than you give when you give more than you get.  (Hmmm... random acts of kindness). 
    So, establish a higher standard for yourself and your life.  Commit to INTEGRITY, RESPONSIBILITY and GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT... and then share your values and spread them around.  You are quite a role model! 

    Raise your BAR! 

Strength of Character

  Gaining competitive advantage by raising the bar     
Strength of Character explores integrity, responsibility, and generosity of spirit in the business setting, driving a stake into the ground and defining the ethical standards by which business will need to be practiced in the coming decades.  This CD explains how leaders and workers can set a new course towards character standards that we all can agree are compelling and necessary.  The magic begins when individuals accept personal responsibility and start making ethical changes in themselves. 

Strength of Character CD:   $19.95
Strength of Character MP3: $16.95

NOTICE!  Many of my recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Common Sense 101
KVTA LogoThe Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Common Sense 101 airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, alot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!"

He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
877-34-PERRY (347-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to www.kvta.comand then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 


Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Navigating the Choppy Waters of Family Owned Business

The US Small Business Administration reports that family owned businesses in this country are alive and well. In fact, 90% of small businesses are family owned. So the good news is that there are a lot of families out there involved in owning and managing businesses. The bad news is that managing the business while keeping family members functional, well adjusted, and happy is a tall order indeed. Most family businesses have poor futures: 3 in 10 will survive transition of ownership to the next generation. Why?

Most of the time the issues that arise center around reconciling: 1. For the business: power, control, and succession, and 2. For the Family: Love, loyalty, and #147; fairness #148;

On one hand, family members often have good intentions. They want to feel love, loyalty and protective of each other. Too often feelings of suspicion, self-protection, jealousy, hostility, betrayal, avarice, and guilt take center stage when conflicts emerge surrounding the major omnipresent question: #147;How do we make this business grow, become profitable, and be successful while at the same time making family members involved feel loved, reinforced and rewarded?#148;

Many times huge conflicts evolve that either break up families and/or ruin businesses because the efforts to answer this question are managed so poorly. Because you love a family member has often little to do with that same member being competent, equipped, or suited to handle a specific job in the company. Your interest in being #147;fair#148; can be in direct conflict what is best for the company. Problems arose at International Rectifier in the mid 90s when the two sons of International Rectifier chairman Eric Lidow almost lost the company due to sibling rivalry. Alex Lidow, current CEO of the company, said about his brother, #147;We were products of a competitive upbringing and I had to resolve a lifetime of issues.#148;

What can your company do?

  1. KEEP THE DIALOGUE GOING: The moment family members quit talking for whatever reason is the minute the conflicts become untenable and the stage is set for lawyers to take over. Remember, the more talking and conversations occur the better the chance for resolution.
  2. GET OUTSIDE HELP: Too often, family members are too emotionally involved and therefore will have trouble thinking objectively about what is good for the business. So, get outside facilitation, mediation, and consultation when it comes to securing succession plans, control assignments, and organizational changes.
  3. STAY FOCUSSED ON THE BUSINESS: Make the hard calls on what the business needs. Sometimes that means removing and/or reassigning some family members. While tactically this is often painful, strategically this will insure the business being solvent and secure.
  4. REGULARLY DISCUSS THE PLANS AND GET THEM IN WRITING: Have family members participate in the making the agreements and plans. Make sure you write them down in plain English and then review them periodically.
  5. MAKE SURE LOVE IN THE FAMILY IS DEMONSTRATED IN OTHER WAYS: If love is shown only through compensation, control, status, and other rewards in the business, you have trouble. Take the time to develop and nurture other dimensions of family closeness outside the business.
  6. MAINTAIN THE USE OF MULTILE OPTIONS: People naturally polarize when there is conflict and tension. This creates right/wrong, good/bad, win/lose, success/failure thinking which results in escalation of anger, suspicion and defensiveness. Remember that 3 options or more will always calm down this problem. Always use the magic of multiple options and you will be amazed how you can balance business with family priorities.

Remember the purpose of business is to be successful which requires competence and intelligent planning. At the same time, family success is determined by different variables like love, reinforcement, loyalty, and closeness. Managing these two major systems requires skillful navigation in often stormy seas. Keep the above ideas on your radar and the sailing is likely to be much smoother.

Dr. J. Mitchell Perry is CEO of JM Perry Learning Technologies. To reach him call 800 JM PERRY or go to JM Perry's website or sign up for the JM Perry Newsletter.

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Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Winning the Losing Game on Weight

Program Summary

Research has shown that one in three Americans is obese.


Obesity raises the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, arthritis, and being overweight raise blood pressure and cholesterol, which in turn can raise the risk of heart disease.  Improve your life with some of Dr. JM Perry's proven Life Strategies.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention said obesity caused about 25,814 deaths annually in the United States.  That is not the way to live your life. Lose weight now. Be more optimistic and happy in life.

Check out Products »

Sign Me Up »


Success Stories

"I found that the Perry Plan was absolutely, without a doubt, the weight-loss program for me! Because of it I went from a size 14 to a size 8!” ."— Stephanie, California

More Testimonials


Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Counter-Productive Patterns of Speech

These are habits you have, the way you speak that is often a set-up for a let-down; you shoot yourself in the foot.  One that comes to mind is called “putting your present intentions in the past tense”.  What that means is you want to do something but you put it in the past tense that sounds like you wanted to do it.

People will say, “I wanted to ask you,”  “what I wanted to say was,” “I was getting ready to say.”  When people say to me, “I wanted to ask you”.  I often respond , “well, do you still want to ask me?”  Because it is curious, if you say “I wanted to ask you, …”  it sounds like you don’t anymore.

So what you want to do is take that present intentions and put it in the present tense.  So instead of saying “I just wanted to ask you …” say, “I want to ask you …”  It makes a BIG difference and you have a lot more power.

Come check out more insight from Dr. JM Perry's life strategies and life strategy products!

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Perry Plan - Success Stories

Come check out our real life Success Stories for The Perry Plan.  Real people losing real weight.  Not the fake pictures that you are used to seeing, but real stories right here!


Success Stories

Before After

"Robynet went from a size 24 to a size 4!"


Before After

"Before the Perry Plan I was pretty seditary for years. After learning the skills of the Perry Plan I have walked every day for over a year without missing a day. I feel more powerful and have more control of my life."


Before After

"I found that the Perry Plan was absolutely, without a doubt, the weight-loss program for me! Because of it I went from a size 14 to a size 8!” ."


Before After

"I am a very busy mother of two. The Perry Plan has given me the power to control how I eat and how I feel about myself. Because of this program I have lost 35 pounds, 20 inches, and three sizes. I feel great!"


Before After

"Because of the Perry Plan I fit back into my favorite pants! The plan gives me more power and self-confidence than I have had in a long time. I am very excited!"


Before After

"Since starting the Perry Plan I have realized that my choices have been totally different when it comes to food. The Perry Plan has taught me a whole new set of skills that I can use for the rest of my life!"


Before After

“As a pharmacist I have seen many different weight loss programs but the Perry Plan has made the most sense. On top of losing weight, the Perry Plan has taught me to be a lot more confident and take more control of my life.”


Contact Us

JM Perry Learning, Inc.
3875-A Telegraph Road #170
Ventura, CA 93003


Dr. J Mitchell Perry, CEO

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Differentiating Behaviors

How are you different?  What can you do to set yourself apart? 
  • Introduce yourself
  • Stand, shake hands and make eye contact
  • Personalize by addressing your customer by name
  • Be an expert in your business
  • Make frequent contact with your customer
  • Write thank you notes
  • Write personal notes (remember something special)
  • Fast recognition
  • Have a positive attitude about yourself, your position, and your company
  • Learn to listen:  Ask more and tell less - listening is the best way to get your point across 
  • Use complaints as golden opportunities for improvement
  • Learn to express yourself optimistically
  • Keep every promise
  • Commit to check in and follow up often.  Then do it!
  • Go the extra mile - deliver more than you promise 
  • Use humor and smile often
  • Consider incorporating some random acts of kindness into the relationship
  • Become a trusted advisor

How many of these traits differentiate you in the eyes of YOUR customer?  Which ones do you need to work on the most?  Which ones already come easily to you?

Consider the following:  If you can find out what your customer wants in his terms and then find a way to give it to him, you will succeed where others fail.  This is the secret to all effective sales efforts.  Sales is less about selling what you have to your client, but all about encouraging your client to buy what he wants from you.  Remember, you want to create the pull and avoid the push.  

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance