Friday, July 30, 2010

Improving your Effectiveness by Improving Your Appearance

Research says that when people encounter you, what they are likely to remember is about 10% of what you say, 35% of how you say it, and 55% of how you look; which means that 90% of what people remember has to do with packaging, it has to do with the way you look.  If you look good and dress up, if you improve your appearance, people are going to pay more attention to you.  Therefore, my recommendation is to take pride in your appearance and improve it… press it, shine it, cut it, shave it, color it, curl it, brush it, elevate it, tuck it, and pluck it.  When you do, you’re going to look more attractive and you are going to have more pride in your appearance and people will pay more attention.

So, improve your appearance and the environment will as well.

This is really important in business as well. It helps with business communication to get what you want.

For more, we have some of the best life strategies and motivational products.

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Business Communication: Use Access Codes to Get What You Want

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you meet someone and you get along with them easily? Yet other times you meet someone and it seems to be uphill all the time. You have to do lots of “maintenance” and getting along with them seems like a chore. There are even times when you know someone for a long time and it is still always difficult to get along with them. Why? Because the people with whom you get along well are people who are wired like you, and the people with whom you have difficulty are wired differently.

Suppose you could understand more up front how people are wired and you could adjust your presentation and approach accordingly? Getting along with people successfully is kind of like gaining “Access” to them. When you understand their “Access Codes,” you can then inter-relate easily.

There are 10 Access Codes to consider when you approach people. This information is available in my CD entitled “Communicating with Access Codes” and I encourage you to get it and practice the skills.

Here are the codes:
1. Optimism/Pessimism
2. Going Toward/ Going Away
3. Strategic / Tactical
4. Feelings / Facts
5. People/Data/ Things
6. Audio/Visual/Kinesthetic
7. Self/Others
8. Process/Results
9. Direct/Warm-Up
10. Appointments/Anytime

When you understand these codes and know how to use them, you will gain “ACCESS” much faster and get what you want.

Also, remember to analyze the "shoulds" of life.

For more, we have the best life strategies products.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Follow Through

Do what you say you are going to do, follow through on what you promise.  I am actually dazzled when somebody says they are going to do something and they actually do it.  It suggests that you have credibility, it suggests you can be counted on, it suggests you are going to go the extra mile and it somehow tells people you are going to be different than everybody else.  Therefore, if you say you are going to have the report in on Monday at nine, have the report in on Monday at nine or tell people you are going to be late.  Do what you say you are going to do and your credibility goes through the roof.  It’s absolutely wonderful.  And, you are going to be enormously successful.

- JM Perry

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Winning Communication Skills

Four Keys to Personal and Professional Success

Audio CD $49.95 
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MP3 $39.95 
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True leaders are those who can communicate effectively. What skills do they have that you lack? What techniques do they use to command attention and respect? This audio set contains the four keys to Listening actively,Speaking clearly, Reducing Resistance, and Resolving Conflict. These are the Winning Communication Skills that will take you right to the top — and keep you there. Most people have yet to master these skills... only the winners have! And, the most successful leaders use them everyday.

"Using the skills I learned in the first day of the Communication Tune-Up, I was able to close a $400,000 deal with a customer in about twenty minutes. That made me an instant believer.”

– Noah Rogers, Vice President
– Cadence Spectrum Services

“Dr. Perry’s Winning Communication Skills have made our sales and executive group so much more effective. In providing our people with the skills to be successful in all areas of life, this training has paid for itself many times over. These communication tools are a must, and Dr. Perry’s programs are the best vehicle for delivery I have ever experienced.”

– Nicholas C. Kane, Senior Vice President of Sales
– Bowne & Company

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Friday, July 16, 2010

Announcing Your Honesty

Do you ever notice you’ll do that?  You’ll say things like, “Well, to be quite honest…” or “I’m gonna be honest,” or “Do you want me to be honest?”  It’s interesting that when people ask me, “Do you want me to be honest?”  I usually answer, “No, it would be out of character for you, it’s really out of order for you to be honest.”  They then look at me as if I’m sort of strange.  The reality is that what you intend is quite different from how it is received when you announce your honesty.  If you say, “to be quite honest, here is my position…”  It almost is received in the following way, “What, you’ve been deceitful so far?”  My recommendation is if you must say something, say, “frank,” or “candid” or “direct.”  Instead of saying “to be quite honest” say “to be quite frank.”  You’ll notice that you’ll get more the results you’re looking for without that kind of question.

Yours truly,

Posted via email from Dr. JM Perry: Leveraging Human Performance

Wednesday, July 14, 2010